Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Delphi Method vs NGT Method

The decision making methodology used t o perform course evaluations is known as the modified nominal group technique (NGT). NGT uses different methods as a means for evaluation to include, surveys, pretests, focus groups, posttests and interviews to draw the necessary conclusions. NGT is an all inclusive methodology which means it does not “discriminate” in whom can participate in the methodology. The means for documenting NGT is that of tallying. As a group discusses their contributions and opinions, NGT allows for collaboration and discussion, which in my opinion can have either a positive or negative effect on the group’s outcome. But experts believe that this collaboration actually contributes to the “purity” of the data collected from the group. In other words a true group opinion can be formed based off this collaboration effort.

The Delphi method focuses more on the opinion and knowledge of experts. The Delphi method works especially well when the goal is to improve our understanding of problems, opportunities, solutions or to develop forecasts (Skulmoski, Hartman and Krahn, 2007). The Delphi Decision Making Process is a brainstorming technique used to draw conclusions. The traditional Delphi process starts with an open-ended questionnaire that a panel of selected experts is to answer. This panel of experts usually consists of subject matter experts in the particular field of area in question. In subsequent rounds of the process, participants rate the relative importance of individual items and also make changes to the phrasing or substance of the items in question. This process usually goes through multiple rounds (typically 3) prior to the process yields a consensus (Custer, Scarella, and Stewart, 1999). In my opinion since this method only focuses on the input of experts, I think it is not taking into consideration the other possibilities from non experts. In other words, experts have a scholarly look at things and not necessarily a true practical view that everyday people have and/or experienced.
For me I am all about all inclusive, full spectrum views so I would have to select the NGT method. Again, if one is really trying to get a full view or opinion on something, one must have a diverse panel to discuss and address the issue(s) at hand. The more diverse the panel the more likely an informed inclusive answer will be reached.

Custer, R. L., Scarcella, J. A., & Stewart, B. R. (1999). The Modified Delphi Technique - A Rotational Modification. Journal of Vocational and Technical Education. Vol. 15, Num. 2, Spring 1999. Retrieved November 3, 2012:

Dobbie, A., MD., Rhodes, M., FRCGP, Tysinger, J. W., PhD., & Freeman, J., MD. (2004). Using a modified nominal group technique as a curriculum evaluation tool. Family Medicine.

Skulmoski, G., Hartman, F. T., & Krahn, J. (2007). The Delphi method for graduate research. Journal of Information Technology Education. Vol. 6.

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